Monday, September 28, 2009

One of the angels at "Amor Del Nino" in Guatemala...

Dear friends and family,

Most of you have seen the pictures from my first "Formula One Life" trip to Ethiopia this past Summer. It was indeed a heartwarming success and blessing to many infant orphans thanks to the generosity of so many of you. Since then, " Formula One Life" has grown into an organization well on its’ way to becoming an official 501c(3) non-profit, as attention from international adoption and sponsorship agencies has us planning future trips to orphanages around the world well into 2010!

In the immediate future, we have been called to Guatemala-- which is in more need than ever on account of the country’s current food shortage. The President of Guatemala has declared a state of national calamity as the country’s poor of all ages face malnourishment and a rising number of hunger related deaths. Compounding the hunger crisis is the orphan crisis- only worsening since the country’s adoption program was shut down last year. After contacting a handful of orphanages in Guatemala last week to determine their formula needs, these are only some of the replies I received within hours:

"Wow! This is an answer to prayer! We have a number of infants, and spend about $1400/MONTH ON FORMULA IF WE DO NOT GET IT DONATED. THIS WOULD BE A HUGE BLESSING! Thank you!" (Amor del Nino)

"We service about 20 infants with formula and have more mothers asking us everyday...We could use a lot as we have many mothers without milk because of the food crisis. We started the formula program after the baby of one of our workers died because the mom had no milk. Thank you so much for this offer." (Casa de Sion)

"Yes, we need support... At the moment we are looking after 30 children (and infants), and our goal is to duplicate that next year... Thank you very much for your offer..." (Hannah’s Hope)

It is overwhelming to contemplate the amount of need in Guatemala, right now. But as Mother Theresa said, "...we can only do small things with great love."

What smaller thing than a can of baby formula could better translate into great love... bottles of love, in fact.

I will be going to Guatemala along with three other women this November on the next "Formula One Life" mission. Our goal is to fill as many suitcases as possible with cans of powdered formula. By donating a can of formula or the cost of one can, you will literally be feeding infant orphans in need. We will also be bringing powdered milk for the older orphans and garden seeds as a harvest offering during our own Thanksgiving season.

On a final note, today is my birthday, and I have only one birthday wish: that you might consider helping us help the children of Guatemala... by doing one small thing with great love...

Please visit our website to donate a bottle of love to a baby in need:

Thank you and God bless...

Mary Beth

Monday, September 21, 2009

"Feed my lambs..."

"Take care of my sheep... Feed my sheep." It bears repeating afterall, since Jesus, himself, said it three times to Simon Peter after asking him "Do you love me?" (John 21:15-17)

"Formula One Life" is headed to Guatemala this November to feed some of the littlest lambs by delivering baby formula to orphanages in dire need on account of the country's severe food shortage. Compounding the hunger crisis is the orphan crisis- only worsening since the country shut down its' adoption program some time ago. After contacting three different orphanages today, I received three prompt replies within hours... Here are some excerpts from those replies:

"Wow! This is an answer to prayer! We have a number of infants, and spend about $1400/MONTH ON FORMULA IF WE DO NOT GET IT DONATED. THIS WOULD BE A HUGE BLESSING! Thank you!" (Amor del Nino)

"We service about 20 infants with formula and have more mothers asking us everyday... We could use a lot as we have many mothers without milk because of the food crisis. We started the formula program after the baby of one of our workers died because the mom had no milk. Thank you so much for this offer." (Casa de Sion)

"Yes, we need support... At the moment we are looking after 30 children, and our goal is to duplicate that next year... Thank you very much for your offer." (Hannah’s Hope)

Please hear the urgency in these petitions from Guatemala and consider being a vital ingredient in this "Formula One Life" mission. A can of baby formula-- or enough to cover the cost of one-- will truly become a bottle of love for a baby in need.

Please contact me at or visit to make a donation...

My heartfelt thanks,

Mary Beth