Monday, June 14, 2010

Awesome News!!!

I am so thrilled to share this incredible news with everyone-- Continental Airlines inflight magazine is doing an article on Formula One Life for their August edition!! I just got the call this weekend from the reporter writing the story! When I asked him how he heard about us, he traced an email link to my former Base Director in Newark who apparently forwarded news of our Ethiopia mission to the right people!! The impact her simple act of kindness could have is immeasurable... I was so amazed at the thought of how many passengers might read our story during the busiest travel month of the year (!) that I couldn't resist Googling Continental Magazine's readership ;)... Are you ready for this??? ...(drum roll please :) ...2.4 MILLION!!!! That's including Asia, India, Europe and all of the Americas!! Wow... Thank you everyone for all your amazing support which has led to this point of immeasurable blessing... God bless you all!!!