Sunday, January 3, 2010

Never forget...

(for widescreen version on YouTube, click play then click on video)

I came across this recently made video from Hannah's Hope, Guatemala, where we stayed on our last misson trip in November... Tears filled my eyes when I saw the familiar faces of our little friends, Alex, Miguel, Efraim, Carlitos... Alex who never stops smiling in spite of being quadriplegic... and Efraim who cannot see, speak or hear but lights up at the slightest touch from a loving hand caressing his face.... One of the caregivers pictured in this video broke down in tears when talking to me about the 'special needs' children... Her heart was so heavy for them and the overwhelming needs they have... I pray these children feel truly touched by the hands of God through those who care for them so lovingly...

The scriptural lyrics of this favorite hymn echo within me...
"I will never forget you, my people... I have carved you on the palm of my hand... I will never forget you, I will not leave you orphaned... I will never forget my own..." (Isaiah 49:15)