Stone Lakes Elementary K-Kids with donations from their formula drive...
Yesterday was an amazingly blessed day!! It started with the news that we were approved for our 501(c)3!! And the way we found out was amazing in and of itself! The brother of my childhood friend's colleague who is a high powered CPA in NYC called the IRS to check our status and found out to all our surprise that we were approved in record time (a month and a half)!!
Then I got two calls from two different Kiwanis clubs at two different schools asking me to come pick up the collections from their formula drives! I could only do one, so it was Stone Lakes Elementary, and what an impressive group of K-Kids! I believe I met the future President (currently the K-Kids Pres. :) His name is Ben. Thank you, Ben, Ms. Jaworski, Dr. Kennerly and all the Stone Lakes K-Kids for your awesome collection of formula for infant orphans... May you be doubly blessed in return!